  • What is FSC®︎ Forest Certification?

    FSC® is committed to supporting the well-being of forests and the people and wildlife living within them

    FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®), the Forest Management Association, offers FSC forest certification as one of the means to promote the utilization and conservation of forests based on global standards.
    This certification system is founded on principles and criteria for responsible forest management, endorsed by a consensus of stakeholders in the environmental, social, and economic sectors.
    By labeling products made from well-managed certified forests or other low-risk sources, consumers can identify and support responsible forest management by choosing these items.
    FSC forest certification encompasses two types: Forest Management (FM) certification and Chain of Custody (COC) certification, both requiring appropriate management practices.

    FM Certification(Forest Management)

    Certification to determine whether wood is harvested from properly managed forests without illegal logging and efforts are made for forest conservation.

    COC Certification(Chain of Custody Management)

    Certification to ensure the certified wood and paper (certified materials) are not mixed with other wood and paper (non-certified materials) in the manufacturing, distribution, and processing processes.
  • About the FSC®︎ Management System

    Transfer System

    This is applied when buying and selling FSC-certified products without processing (wholesale, trading companies, etc.), or when producing FSC-certified products using only FSC-certified materials.

    Percentage System

    This is applied when mixing non-certified materials that have been verified and approved by the auditing body with FSC-certified materials to create certified products, or when managing the percentage (%) of FSC raw materials used in the production of FSC-certified products.

    Credit System

    This is a mechanism that grants the right to produce FSC-certified products (output) in the same quantity as the certified material (input).
  • Labels Used on FSC®︎ Certified Products

    FSC100% Products made from 100% FSC certified materials.

    • FSC100%

    FSC Mix: Product made of a combination of FSC-certified materials and non-certified materials (verified and approved by the auditing body).

    • FSCFSC MixOO%

    • FSC Mix Credit

    FSC Recycled Pre-use recycled material, post-use recycled material.

    • RecycledOO%

    • Recycled Credit